sense of humour的相关图片

sense of humour

下面围绕“sense of humour”主题解决网友的困惑

sense of humour是什么意思

humour [英][sens ɔv ˈhju:mə][美][sɛns ʌv ˈhjumɚ]幽默感;例句 1.We have a very cool sense of humour.我们都很有幽默感。2...

sense of humour是什么意思

sense of humour [英][sens ɔv ˈhju:mə][美][sɛns ʌv ˈhjumɚ]幽默感;例句 1.We have a very cool sense of humour.我们都很有...

sense of humour英语翻译

they were impressed by his sense of humour 他们都被他的幽默感打动了。be impressed by 被……感动 sense 感觉 humor 幽默

sense of humor和sense of humour哪个是对的

sense of humor:幽默感。sense of humour:幽默感。

a sense of后面接什么

名词,a sense of duty,责任感;A sense of belonging,一种归宿感;A sense of humour,幽默感;A joyous sense of freedom,令人快乐的无拘无束的感觉;A keen ...


该短语后面加名词。asenseof后面接名词,例如:a sense of duty责任感,A sense of belonging.一种归宿感。A sense of humour,幽默感。A joyous sense of freedom...

造句.急! 1.a sense of hamour the uheel 3off

a sense of humour: 幽默感 幽默感 造句:My teacher is interesting interested . He has a sense of humour.我的老师很有趣。他很幽默。What he says shows tha...

翻译英语--幽默感呗认为是人类最重要的品质之一 英

翻译:Sense of humor is one of the most important quality of human 作文:1 in our daily life, humour is an important part for us. if you are a humorous ...


humour是英式英语的写法。一、humor的释义 n.幽默;滑稽;情绪;体液;v.纵容;迁就;迎合。二、humor短语搭配

高二英语作文:How to develop a sense of humour

1、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。2、词数110左右。humorous(幽默的)参考范文 How to develop a sense of humour Humor is of great importance in our life. A...

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